Kun hommat ei mene putkeen – Näin me hoidetaan reklamaatiot!

When things don't go smoothly - This is how we handle complaints!

Complaints. The sweet salt of every company's everyday life. 😅 No matter how hard you try to do everything to the last, sometimes someone decides to throw a stick in the cart. But hey, we don't let small problems get us down! On the contrary, complaints are our moment to shine. ✨

When we receive a complaint, we jump into the situation like a superhero to help - on the customer's side, of course! Our goal is to get things right, and quickly.

The customer is always right (or at least almost 😉)

When a complaint comes, our first reaction is not "oh no", but "hey, now let's take care of it!" We listen carefully to what the customer has in his heart, and we immediately start solving the situation so that everyone can breathe freely again. We know that problems can sometimes seem bigger than they really are - and that's why our goal is that the processing of the complaint does not take too long.

Our secret superpower? Speed ​​and flexibility! 🚀

We know that waiting is frustrating. That's why we want to be fast as lightning, but also make sure that things are handled smartly and fairly. Our process is designed to get to the bottom of the problem and find the best way to fix it. Sometimes that means replacing the product with a new one.

And hey, if something didn't go quite right the first time, don't worry - we won't leave you alone. We are here, ready to turn every stone and stump so that the end result is one that all parties can nod to with a smile. So it's not just a tail light warranty. 😄

Striving for perfect harmony - everyone wins!

Our goal is not only to solve the problem, but to make all parties satisfied. It is not enough that the customer is satisfied, but we also want us to learn from each complaint. That's why we go through every complaint carefully, so that we can improve our operating methods and ensure that the next time the situation is handled even more smoothly (and hopefully there won't even be any more complaints!). 🧠💡

We're on your side

At the end of the day, it's about the fact that we want our customers to know that they are in good hands. When something doesn't go according to plan, don't hesitate - let's take charge together and make sure that the situation is handled so that everyone can be satisfied again.

Complaints are not a swear word for us, but an opportunity to be even better! 💪✨

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